Dungeon Duel iOS Review


Written on 5:53 PM by AudibleKnight

Dungeon Duel is a neat RPG found in the iOS App Store created by a company called "IPlaySo". It seems like this company is fairly small as their company website has a 404 for the Dungeon Duel page, and their Facebook page is pretty much blank. The one video on Youtube that I could find was pretty much 20 minutes of someone playing the game.


Student Council Elections


Written on 2:49 PM by AudibleKnight

I've spent some time in Reddit's r/picrequests in order to practice my Photoshop skills. One request came in asking for help with campaign posters for a high school student election. They provided some photos of their 3 person team like this:

and fellow members helped out by creating posters for them. I submitted mine, a take off the posters of the TV show, The Voice:

A week and a half later, we found out that they used all of our submissions for posters and handouts and that they ended up winning the election! It's kind of a fuzzy feeling to know that your efforts helped people out, and was also made into tons of little handouts:

Thanks PlayFirst!


Written on 8:27 PM by AudibleKnight

PlayFirst, the company who creates DinerDash had a contest on Reddit. Since their main character's name is Flo, I figured I could photoshop the head of Progressive Auto Insurance's character Flo in there. I'm happy to say that they enjoyed my entry:

"Thank you for single handedly cracking up our entire office."

Besides snagging a key for one of their games, my entry is now also enshrined on their Pinterest Page.

How Not to Do Online Marketing


Written on 1:35 AM by AudibleKnight

I first learned about the Avenger Controller/Ocean Marketing/Penny Arcade debacle on Reddit. What's followed is a perfect case study in how NOT to treat customers online. I think Venturebeat did a real nice job summarizing the sequence of events, with a follow-up with the official dismissal PR release.

Besides watching such a train wreck, there have been some interesting things to come out of this. Robert Khoo did an AMA following his analysis of the Reddit effect. Also, Moisés Chiullan the man trying to clean up after Paul Christoforo did an AMA as well.

iPhone 4S


Written on 3:41 PM by AudibleKnight

So the iPhone 4S was announced today. There were a ton of rumors of an iPhone 5 huge reveal with tons of neat things, so to be honest the 4S was a bit underwhelming when I read the announcement. The thing is though that I still have my trusty ol' iPhone 3GS. I sat down and started to look at the upgrades I'd be getting if I went from a 3GS to a 4S, and it's actually quite compelling:

  • Gyroscope
  • Retina Display
  • Front Facing Camera
  • Camera Flash
  • 3MP => 8MP Camera
  • VGA => 1080p Videos
  • 256MB Memory at least doubled to 512MB
  • n wifi
  • improvements in battery life
Here's an easy graphic comparison that I put together from some of Engadget's old comparisons [1] [2]:

Click to enlarge

Not to mention that I'm sure the 3GS will probably be pretty sluggish with the upcoming iOS 5. So the day to day usage will probably also feel significantly smoother/snappier.

Journey For A New Laptop


Written on 9:22 PM by AudibleKnight


This is the story of how I decided on which laptop to buy to replace my almost 6 year old computer. It's pretty long, geeky and tech based, but feel free to check it out behind the cut.


Across Age DX iOS Game Guide


Written on 2:18 PM by AudibleKnight

After years of playing video games, I'm happy to release my very first Guide/FAQ. The game I will be covering is "Across Age DX" for iOS devices. Here are the official websites related to the game:

Publisher's Official Game Page
iTunes Store Page
Official Facebook Fan Page

Check after the jump for the full Guide.